Hey everyone, hope u gals enjoyed your 4-day weekend. Just want to let you know what's happening this friday nite. Becoz three of you (Ruthie C....Lauren n Fiona) will be going to BOOM on that nite....why not lets go together as a cell?? Here are the details:
TIME: 7:15 pm till quite late ard 9:30pm
VENUE: Melbourne High School, FOrrest Hill, Sth Yarra. (@ the Cnr Chapel & Alexander)
Cheryl's address: 11 Drysdale Court, Scoresby
Other stuff: bring $4 for bus transport
I think it would be best if you came to my place. I'm seriously not sure how we are getting there. But i'll give Fiona a call. Just be at my place @ 6:30pm. Cool?? We will most probably take a lift from Fiona's mum and then find our way to Melbourne High School. Cool cool?? Let me know if you gals are coming.
Lauren n Ruthie....u gals going by yourself yeah??
Luv ya lots,
At 8:47 PM,
cjs said…
ok wow...i havent checked the site for ages...i've missed out on alot of news! cheryl ur SO dedicated to write and update this blogspot all the time...PAT ON THE BACK FOR YOU! yer cannot WAIT til this friday...if u havent been to boom or planet shakers'll LOVE it..huge annointing of god on that youth group....but dw i LOVE our youth much more!!!!!! and one of the greatest youth speakers, REGGIE DABBS is preaching...he's this huge black american dude, and he's flippin HILARIOUS!!
yer it will be fun to go as a cell...but chezza dont worry about me and ruthy...we'll be catching the BOOM buses as usual, so we'll prob see you guys there (if its not to packed to find you)
but like you'll probably spot me and RUT being loud mouthes lol haha
k well this comment is getting pretty i shall depart!
cant wait til friday night!
love you all girlies...XOXXO love LAUREN XOXO
At 5:07 PM,
cjs said…
i agree with everything lauren says///right lauren..?
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